“Like the sexual abuse scandal, Cochran’s book leaves little doubt that the cases highlighted in Thievery: Catholic Church EXPOSED! are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.” One of many thoughts shared in Michael W. Ryan’s recent review of the book. (Cochran’s website.) More of Ryan’s review follows.
Michael W. Ryan is the author of NONFEASANCE – The Remarkable Failure of the Catholic Church to Protect Its Primary Source of Income. As a retired federal investigator, Ryan is concerned about the lax cash handling methods in US parishes. He’s an advocate for instituting strong management procedures to secure and protect financial donations and gifts made to the Catholic Church.

Tip of the Iceberg
Les Cochran’s straight-from-the-media delivery of the shocking – sometimes utterly appalling – details of nearly 100 financial crimes committed by Catholic clergy and laypersons leaves no room for the Catholic hierarchy (as represented by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops) to claim – as they repeatedly claimed before the sexual abuse scandal exploded – that the cases covered in the media were isolated occurrences and not indicative of systemic flaws or weaknesses. Like the sexual abuse scandal, Cochran’s book leaves little doubt that the cases highlighted therein are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Root of the Problem
Beyond documenting the ease with which members of the clergy and laity can be and have been corrupted, THIEVERY shows the reader where the root of the problem lies: with the U.S. hierarchy and their refusal to formulate and nationally mandate genuinely secure financial systems and procedures that, properly implemented and monitored, would prevent all but the most sophisticated of embezzlements from even getting off the ground, let alone to first base.
Pray, Pay and Obey
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops knows this is true, but they’re counting on the Faithful’s historic willingness to pray, pay and obey, and to assume the bishops have been and are faithfully fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities. THIEVERY makes clear that assumption is without foundation.
Will They Carry Out Their Fiduciary Responsibilities?
Finally, while the cases cited in THIEVERY document financial mismanagement and are not directly related to the Catholic Church’s sex abuse scandal, it’s easy to see how some of the abusers – quite possibly a majority of them – likely financed their predacious activities. It begs the question: How many victims of sex abuse by wayward clergy would have been spared if the Catholic hierarchy had carried out their fiduciary responsibilities?
Conclusion of Michael W. Ryan’s Review
A Note From Les – – –
Is this the Second Greatest Scandal?
In 2018, theft from Catholic Church gifts and donations reached $1.2 Billion and is expected to be even higher in 2019. In my opinion, it’s way past time for the church to change. As an author and friend, I’m always interested in what you think. Share if you care.