Les Cochran Blog

Fiction Author

May 19, 2016
by lescochranblog
1 Comment

Universities Have a Spending Problem

Hello blog friends, I know I’ve posted about the high cost of college in the past, but feel this critical issue should to be kept at the forefront. It is just one of many education concerns we need to address as we try to improve education in our nation. In the past the quality of education in the United States was the best in the world; today we rank twenty-sixth (26th.) YES – twenty-six (26) other countries have surpassed us! So, so sad. Continue reading

April 25, 2016
by lescochranblog

Athletics Should Disclose Finances

The April 18 USA TODAY story, “College spending looks unsustainable” only touched the financial tip of athletic-spending issues. Economist Andrew Zimbalist was right: “Politically, it’s not sustainable. Legally, it’s not sustainable. Economically, it’s not sustainable.” NCAA President Mark Emmert acknowledged … Continue reading

December 29, 2015
by lescochranblog

College Bowl Games: From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

Published in Naples Daily News, Dec. 29, 2015 Not long ago playing a college football bowl game was something of institutional pride—parades and other events occupied the days in advance. Alumni filled the stadiums. Players were student-athletes, most graduated, and … Continue reading


October 12, 2015 by lescochranblog | 3 Comments


Last week the faculty at a local university stood tall, giving a glimmer of hope for our community and the State—they opposed the possession of guns on campus.

It’s hard to believe this issue of allowing guns on campus would even come before the Faculty Senate but it did, thanks to the wisdom of the state legislature.  Interestingly, in making Florida one of twenty states to pass such a bill, the legislature didn’t remove the restriction of guns at their meetings or those of any other government agency.

All but one Republican supported the bill; all of the Democrats opposed it.  Strangely, the legislation eliminated stun guns and other devices designed solely for defensive purposes making the intent clear—legislators were NOT interested in personal defense; their vote endorsed vigilante action— a concept rejected by wild-westerners decades ago.

All of that aside, you’d think politicians would follow the lead, or at least listen to those closest to the situation, but they failed to respect the fact that:

  • State University Presidents OPPOSED the measure.
  • State Police Chiefs OPPOSED the measure.
  • State University System’s Board of Governors OPPOSED the measure.

On the other side, the National Rifle Association supported the bill. Their lobbyist said it all:  “College campuses are gun-free zones, where murders, rapists and shooters can commit crimes without fear of being harmed by their victims.”  I spent over thirty years of my career on college campuses and NEVER heard such a definition of university life.

Fact is, deranged individuals do not follow normal logical patterns; they have no feelings for their victims nor fear of the police. And now, they’re protected by the National Rifle Association.


Common sense?  

By the university faculty?  YES!

By the legislature in Florida?  NO WAY!

By the National Rifle Association?  NOT EVEN CLOSE!

Well, that’s my opinion – – – what’s yours?

Does the state legislature of Florida have any common sense re: allowing guns on university campuses?