Les Cochran Blog

Fiction Author


October 12, 2015 by lescochranblog | 3 Comments


Last week the faculty at a local university stood tall, giving a glimmer of hope for our community and the State—they opposed the possession of guns on campus.

It’s hard to believe this issue of allowing guns on campus would even come before the Faculty Senate but it did, thanks to the wisdom of the state legislature.  Interestingly, in making Florida one of twenty states to pass such a bill, the legislature didn’t remove the restriction of guns at their meetings or those of any other government agency.

All but one Republican supported the bill; all of the Democrats opposed it.  Strangely, the legislation eliminated stun guns and other devices designed solely for defensive purposes making the intent clear—legislators were NOT interested in personal defense; their vote endorsed vigilante action— a concept rejected by wild-westerners decades ago.

All of that aside, you’d think politicians would follow the lead, or at least listen to those closest to the situation, but they failed to respect the fact that:

  • State University Presidents OPPOSED the measure.
  • State Police Chiefs OPPOSED the measure.
  • State University System’s Board of Governors OPPOSED the measure.

On the other side, the National Rifle Association supported the bill. Their lobbyist said it all:  “College campuses are gun-free zones, where murders, rapists and shooters can commit crimes without fear of being harmed by their victims.”  I spent over thirty years of my career on college campuses and NEVER heard such a definition of university life.

Fact is, deranged individuals do not follow normal logical patterns; they have no feelings for their victims nor fear of the police. And now, they’re protected by the National Rifle Association.


Common sense?  

By the university faculty?  YES!

By the legislature in Florida?  NO WAY!

By the National Rifle Association?  NOT EVEN CLOSE!

Well, that’s my opinion – – – what’s yours?

September 21, 2015
by lescochranblog


SmileyYour first reaction to the title of this blog post may be that I’m a little crazy to juxtapose these two concepts.  You’re probably right . . . but that is exactly what I did in Presidential Affair, the conclusion of my “Love, Lies and Liaisons” trilogy.  The key character, Steve Schilling assists the first female president of the United States in passing legislation to reform our dysfunctional education system and finds his way into her White House bedroom.  Hmm . . . sounds like a twist on reality in Washington, D. C.

You may think that compulsive human behavior and educational change are as unrelated as two topics might be, but combining them was the plan from the beginning—show the disconnect and then attach them. It’s the same dichotomy sex addicts deal with all the time—a double life.  On one hand, they may have highly honed decision-making skills capable of running a major corporation; yet, the rest of their life may be totally different—multiple sex partners, lying and cheating, doing whatever it takes to sustain their desires.  We might see their life as a waste, a life of disarray, but to them everything is fine.

In my writing I try to narrow the line between fact and fiction—drawing together reality and my creative liberties. The key character Steve Schilling is handsome, powerful, and an excellent university president with great leadership skills in changing and improving the quality of education.  However he is a sex addict, like roughly six percent of the nation’s population.  He has fine-tuned his leadership and love making skills. What better catch might a woman have?  For some, that question might seem appalling, hypocritical, but not for all.

Twenty-five years ago, women libbers would have called Steve a “womanizer,” though no one in those days ever heard of a “manizer.”  Since then, cultural standards have changed dramatically.  Most women are better educated and more aware of their sexual needs. They are encouraged by the culture to seek their own fulfillment. Many are powerful women in their own right making decisions, deciding what they want, and determining their own lifestyle, including sexual behavior.

So in Presidential Affair, it’s not just a man dealing with a sex addiction problem. Some of the women are complicit with his advances; others pursue him for their own pleasures—it is reality. As an author, I’ve used the key character to combine the issue of addiction with the need to change education in our country.  I had to do a lot of research on sex addiction to accurately write about it. At the same time I used the storyline to share my knowledge about the need to make massive changes in the quality of education in our country.  Are the two issues related?  I think the answer is “No” and “Yes.”  No – one issue doesn’t fix the other and Yes – a sex addict could be a leader in changing education in America. AND Yes – an author can combine the two and they become related.  Well … enough of that for today.

Next time, I’ll focus on our nation’s most critical problem—the need for educational reform.  I’ll provide examples of the needed changes and suggest ways to bring about reform.  It’s a heady issue Steve tackled in Presidential Affair, but he was up for it!

September 18, 2015
by lescochranblog


Not so long ago our educational system was the best in the world.  No one questioned the numbers. Today (using the same statistical ranking system) we place twenty-sixth out of thirty industrialized nations!  Whoa … we rank 26th??

The enormity of technological and social change over the past decade has been mindboggeling; yet, today most of our schools strangely remain the way they were.

EVEN THOUGH WE KNOW there is a twenty percent loss in knowledge during the summer; today only the most progressive school districts require homework throughout the summer months.

EVEN THOUGH WE KNOW it is virtually impossible for a student that falls behind a grade level or two to catch-up in the current system; today we continue to promote students with deficiencies.

EVEN THOUGH WE KNOW most high-school dropouts are headed for a life of despair—drugs, crime, prison, and welfare at the best; today we do nothing to change that cycle.

EVEN THOUGH WE KNOW most college freshmen must take one or more “remedial” courses in reading, mathematics or writing; today we don’t insist that ALL high-school graduates have these basic competencies.

 EVEN THOUGH WE KNOW universities are known for athletics and “after-hour sporting activities;” today they’ve done nothing to control costs; they’ve simply raised tuition rather than change the way they do business.

EVEN THOUGH WE KNOW most states have defined “proficiency” well below what is needed for students to succeed in college, carve out a career, or stand on their own two feet; today many resist the Common Core—a states-driven, Republican initiative—designed to dramatically increase the expectations for elementary and secondary youth.

These are real concerns faced by President Janet Stetson and Steve Schilling in Presidential Affair: Love, Lies and Liaisons.

EVEN THOUGH WE KNOW the story is fictional; today (in the novel) their leadership in passing legislation to reform our schools is real. They have a single goal to make our education number one in the world.


My Question:

EVEN THOUGH WE KNOW our education ranks number twenty-six in the world, why aren’t we doing anything to massively change the quality of education in America???

Hmm . . . perhaps we need to learn from President Stetson and Dr. Schilling. Check it out.  These characters may be fictional, but they clearly share my thoughts about education in America and the changes that need to be made ASAP.

May 17, 2015
by lescochranblog

My Mother-in-Law Strikes Out Against Drugs!

Carol Stockman with grandson Sam

Carol Stockman with grandson Sam

Yes, that is exactly what my mother-in-law is doing. Last September drugs took the life of her 24 year-old grandson who lived on the family farm next door.  Although her heart aches, she is fighting back rather than mourning quietly.  Carol Stockman doesn’t want other families to experience the agony she and Sam’s family are currently enduring.

While visiting me in Florida this winter she said that even though she would like to stay longer she needed to get back home to Michigan.  “I want to do whatever I can to help fight drugs in Berrien County while I am still able to do so. Access to drugs in my county (and all over America) is way too easy. I have to help families learn to recognize and fight it so they don’t lose a family member like we did.”

My mother-in-law is 87 years-old and runs on EverReady batteries – I’ve know her for nearly forty years and she has never stopped giving to organizations and people in her community. She clearly has and continues to provide leadership for the betterment of her community; youth organizations, church activities, political campaigns, street ministry programs, women’s groups, charitable fundraisers, creating an educational foundation and so much more.

Today she has helped organize a community effort to form a county-wide FAN (Families Against Narcotics) program as a mechanism to strike out drugs.  Lots of schools and families are joining hands to attack this problem and support one another in their efforts to deal with the personal drug issues affecting so many families and friends.

The picture above showing Carol and her grandson Sam was posted on the front page of the Hearld Palladium, her local paper in southwest Michigan. The commitment of a grandmother inspite of her loss was picked up by the Associated Press and has appeared in news releases all over America. Nationwide support and encouragement inspires her to continue.

I have always been proud of my mother-in-law, but today words cannot describe how I feel about all the wonderful things she has done and still continues to do to help others.

April 26, 2015
by lescochranblog

Don’t Forget Your Mother – May 10th

Mother's Day GiftI was at a book signing event the other day when a young man stepped up and said, “I want to buy all three of the books in your trilogy for my mom for Mother’s Day.”
WOW – what a great idea!

Is your mom an avid reader?
Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Give her a chance to read and relax. Order my “Love, Lies and Liaisons” trilogy as a gift. Each book will be autographed and the three tied together with a ribbon and a little note saying the gift is from you.

Just for Mom

Just for Mom

Order today, click here: https://squareup.com/market/les-cochran-author
There is a special package listed for Mother’s Day. Be sure to include your mother’s shipping address and any other instructions.

“Love, Lies and Liaisons” trilogy by Les Cochran
1. Signature Affair
2. Costly Affair
3. Presidential Affair

April 24, 2015
by lescochranblog

Another Affair? This Time It’s Presidential . . . OMG!

Steve Schilling Creates a Rush

Steve Schilling Creates a “Rush” in Washington DC

OMG – – – Steve Schilling is at it again; but this time he has moved up in the ranks – – – WAAAY UP!

In Presidential Affair, the 3rd book in the ‘Love, Lies and Liaisons’ trilogy, Steve is recruited to Washington DC by the
first female president of the United States
. She needs his leadership skills in developing and passing legislation to reform our nation’s educational system. Their teamwork is impressive as they win the support of senators and representatives on both sides of the aisle.



In fact, they work so well together that President Stetson periodically has a “rush.”

Ahhh . . . but she isn’t the only woman to have a “rush” as the “Steve-a-mania” epidemic hits Washington DC.

To learn more, order Presidential Affair. It is available in all formats at Amazon.com, and other online sources.

Or better yet, order an autographed copy by visiting my website www.LesCochran.com so you can brag that you know the author!

April 22, 2015
by lescochranblog

Reforming American Education – Could That Be Fiction?

cochran-presidential-affair-3DThe answer to the question above is . . . YES and NO. Presidential Affair, the last book in my “Love, Lies and Liaisons” trilogy was just released and it tells the YES and NO story – loud and clear!

YES, the story is fictitious as it follows key character Steve Schilling to Washington D.C. to assist the first female president of the United States to develop and pass legislation to reform our nation’s education system. They make a great team on the Hill by day and in the White House by night. . . Hmm.

NO, the need to reform education in the United States is NOT fiction. The quality of education in the USA has dropped from 1st to 25th among the 30 industrialized nations of the world. PLEASE . . . GO BACK AND READ THAT LAST STATEMENT AGAIN! We have way too many uneducated and under-educated people in our country. If we maintain the status quo, the future of our country is in deep do-do!

To prove the point, I could share many other stats with you about our nation’s beleaguered education system. But, instead of me spewing forth raw data about the poor quality of education in our country, I urge you to read Presidential Affair. It is an exciting fictional story based on real facts and figures that result in a major effort to reform education. (Oh and by the way, Steve creates a “Steve-a-mania” epidemic as he learns and earns his way around the nation’s capital!)

Even though the story is fiction, the reforms proposed could be real. Oops! That should say, they could be real if enough citizens gave a damn about the quality of education and its impact on the future of our country!

April 7, 2015
by lescochranblog

Hot, Hot, Hot!

Steamy NovelistHi – Yes that’s me.  I sat under this sign for several days.  It was fun meeting vacationers from all over the country!  They come from many northern cities to be in warm Florida in the winter.  The fact that I am a “Steamy Novelist” helped heat things up for them!!

The video trailers on my blog and website may have helped create the steam!

Hot, Hot, Hot!



February 21, 2015
by lescochranblog

The Real Les: Baseball School

Summers are special when you’re growing up. It’s a time to travel, see your grandparents, go to a ballgame, attend a church or band camp.  It was like that for me, but instead of doing what most kids did, I went to baseball school for six weeks.

As a sixth grader (only 4 1/2  ft. tall) I was off to Springfield, Illinois, over two hundred miles away from home. The school was run by two retired Washington Senator scouts.  There were only five or six baseball schools in the country at that time— OK, yes, it was a looong time ago🙂.  Luckily the Springfield, IL location was much closer than the other choices.  But it wasn’t cheap; it cost my parents an arm and a leg – $150, I think.

The camp was not like most camps are today.  There were no dorms, food services or buses to take you to and from the camp.  I was on my own, living in a boarding house.  The hosts were a wonderful, elderly couple and I had my own room.  I loved it—the old man was a St. Louis Cardinal fan—so I got to listen with him every night to Harry Cary.  What could be better?

I had my meals in a little café two block away. Breakfast was bacon, eggs and toast for 45 cents a day, lunch specials were 75 cents and the blue plate special for supper was 95 cents.  Life was good!

I played ball every day, two hours of instruction and three games.  At twelve, I was the youngest one in the camp.  The next oldest was fourteen, most of the guys were sixteen or more.  I learned how to compete and did quite well.  By the time I attended the camp for the fifth summer I was an All Star.

At the camp, I learned more than how to play the game.  Part of our instruction was about growing up to be a man.  They shared things about girls/women I’d never heard.  Sometimes the guys laughed and giggled, I don’t know why.  But the talks were about more than that—we learned about respect, responsibility and resourcefulness.

There was no television so on Saturdays I walked downtown to see a show—a double feature matinee, cartoons and the news.  Afterward, I’d walk home, seventeen blocks.  The bus was a dime, but I was too scared.  I’d never been on a city bus; I had no idea how or when to get off.

Today I remember some part of my baseball camp experience almost every day.  I was a twelve-year-old country bumpkin off to a city for six weeks.  I ate out alone every day, walked wherever I needed to go, and paid cash for everything I wanted to buy. My parents called me once a week.  For me, attending baseball school was something I really wanted to do.  I have to say, it required a lot of growing up that first year.

January 20, 2015
by lescochranblog

Wow! I Made the Kindle Top 100 Best Seller List

I received great news Friday, January 16th when I opened an email from my publisher. It read: “Congratulations on your bestselling book.”

I got goose bumps as I read the announcement that Signature Affair, my first novel had made Kindle’s Top 100 Best Seller list. I had no idea that we were even close. The 2013 publication had been ranked as high as 16,600 out of over a million books on Kindle but had dropped in recent months. I assumed it had run its course. The publisher agreed and suggested we drop the Kindle price from $5.99 to 99 cents. He said you won’t make any money but you’ll expand the readership for Costly Affair which was recently released. That made sense to me, so we did it.I knew we’d sell a few more books, but I had no idea it’d take off like it did.

Costly Affair, the second book in the trilogy, builds upon Signature Affair which exposes the underbelly—the politics, sex and backroom machinations—of academic life on a Midwestern college campus. Like the first, Costly Affair is written in a university setting. I acknowledge that my books draw from my personal experience as a university president. The main character, Steve Schilling, and I share many common traits. We both drink Tanqueray with three olives. He wears a red fedora just like I did as president of Youngstown State University. And he’s highly successful, achieving the same accomplishments—making academic changes, dealing with athletics and building new facilities.

But Steve is a different guy. This is not my memoir. Steve Schilling is a troubled man. By day he runs the university with adroit leadership skills. He’s loved by all in the community for his fund-raising ability, his keen sense of community and his charisma.

At night he’s dissimilar—a troubled man—unable to separate what is right from wrong. He falls in love with a wealthy and powerful media guru, but he can’t stop his thirst for other successful women. He loves each as if she is the only one, exceeding her expectations in every way.

As you read through this morass you’ll develop strong feelings for Steve. At times you’ll admire his leadership successes. I have had some readers tell me there are times when they want to curse Steve and slap him in the face. And then, they also feel sorry for him. Steve moves to Washington DC in Presidential Affair, the final book in the Love, Lies and Liaisons trilogy.

When I’m asked about my interest in writing, I admit I’ve had a long-time passion for it. I once had a professor say “if you can’t write it down so someone else understands it, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” I’ve written professional books and articles, but there’s nothing like writing fiction. It has transformed my life; I have a new purpose in retirement.

My wife Lin loves my new found commitment to fiction writing. Since she has been an avid fiction reader for years, she helps by advising about story lines, editing, and proofing. We often talk about the characters. “Sometimes,” she says, “it seems so real I feel like setting an extra place at the table for Steve. But the best part of his writing is I get four or five hours a day to myself.”

We have fun with our friends, too. I use variations of our neighbor’s names and what they do in my stories. Sherriff Jim McDonald’s namesake, for example, is our good friend Tim McDonald. Bill Abbott who lives down the street is Thaddaeus Abbott, a corporate lawyer in Costly Affair. And not to be outdone his wife, Mary Ann, who leads a dance line at parties singing ‘Hot, Hot, Hot’ and waving a napkin over her head is in my next book. Except in Presidential Affair she’s waving a pair of red silk panties as she parades through the room. It’s a real hoot! Presidential Affair is scheduled to be released in March.

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