A Mafia Consigliere – – Really?
I know it sounds kind of uppity, but it’s not. It’s prestigious, and every mafia in the country has one. So, what is a consigliere and why does the mafia have one?
Role of the Consigliere
Believe it or not – – he’s the chief adviser to the Mafia Boss. Unlike some business CEO’s, the Boss knows he does not have all the answers. And so, often behind the scenes, he consults with the consigliere, a senior member of the family.
The Consigliere—A Highly Respected Man

Tony Minelli, the Detroit Mafia’s consigliere, had long been the most respected individual in the organization’s hierarchy. When Jake Nicolette’s father was the Mafia Boss, Tony was his confidant, and now, nearing 80 and retirement, his views command enormous respect.
The Consigliere—Bites the Bullet
In GET EVEN, a recently released novel in my historical fiction series about the Detroit mafia, Tony Minelli has a tough part to play. He has to offer unsolicited advice to the mob Boss, Jake Nicolette, regarding his personal behavior. There’s only one man who can critique the Boss to his face. Here’s a short preview from GET EVEN:
Tony Uses Finesse to Break the News to the Boss
Tony didn’t flinch; his eyes remained focused on Jake.
Knowing the look, Jake stopped cold. “Something on your mind?”
“As a matter of fact, there is.” Still hesitant, Tony hemmed and hawed, knowing he had one shot to deal with Jake without him blowing up.
Jake stared at him as Tony stalled for the longest time. “Well?”
Tony knew it was best to deal with Jake straight on.
“You know when I have something to say, I don’t pull any punches.”
“That’s why I’ve always respected you.” Jake flipped his hand, nonchalantly. “Whatever it is, give it to me straight.”
Tony took a sip of his Crown Royal. “It has… you have… gotten out of control.”
Jake’s face turned sour; his voice took on an edge. “Out of control, what the hell are you talking about?”
“You damn well know… Amanda!” Tony slapped his hand solidly on the table. “It’s fine to be seen at the Caucus Club or late seating at the London Chop House, but she’s been seen every place you’ve been to this year. You’re too public with her.”
Mob Boss Reacts
“Big deal.” Jake’s face reddened to a bright glow. “I’ll see her as much as I want. I’m going to ask her to marry me.”
“Shit, Jake, you can’t do that. You have a family, responsibilities…”
“Responsibilities,” Jake cut him off. “Crap, I’ve heard that since I was a kid. When do I count? When do I do what I want to do?”
Tony stared at Jake without a blink or saying a word, unsure how far he should go.
Jake grabbed his glass and took a slug.
Tony played the waiting game, hoping Jake would come to his senses and talk about it.
Jake’s sneer hardened, equaling his attitude.
Tony cupped his hands over his face, his elbows on the table. Slowly, he slid a hand down to the table. “Why do you pay me?”
Jake cocked his head, examining Tony as if to say, ‘that’s a dumb question.’ “To give me advice.”
Tony nodded. “Okay… tell me when you’re ready to listen to my advice.” Tony didn’t flinch; his eyes remained focused on Jake.

“The Payoff is a Doozy”
Hmm . . . is this Amanda? In the preview above, Tony was warning the Mafia Boss about being seen in public way too often with Amanda. Did Boss, Jake Nicolette, change his mind about her? Is this Amanda on the cover of GET EVEN, ready to do just that? I can’t tell you now – – – but you’ll be shocked when you read this mafia crime thriller. As a reviewer said “the payoff is a doozy.”

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